The Kelli O’Hara Awards were created by OKC Broadway to celebrate outstanding achievement in Oklahoma high school musical theatre. The program highlights the exceptional students and teachers who devote their time and passion to making a home in their schools for the performing arts.
OKC Broadway is a regional provider of The National High School Musical Theatre Awards (AKA “The Jimmys”), a program that unites high school musical theatre awards programs from around the country. The winners of the Kelli O’Hara Awards for Best Actress and Actor will participate in The National High School Theatre Awards, where they will receive professional training and compete with winners from dozens of other regional programs to a national audience.
Awards are given in the following categories: Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Musical, Best Ensemble, Stagecraft, and Graphic Design. Spotlight Awards are also given to students from each participating school who are in non-qualifying roles, but adjudicators felt had an outstanding performance.
To recognize extraordinary achievement in musical theatre at the high school level
To advocate for arts education in schools
To foster a lifelong love of the performing arts in students and in the community
In addition to the awards above, one student from each participating school who was not in a qualifying role, but adjudicators felt deserved recognition for their increidble performance will be awarded a Spotlight Award.
Students and schools are adjudicated by a roster of performing arts professionals from the Oklahoma City community. Learn more about our adjudication process on our adjudication page.
The Kelli O’Hara Awards program is open to public and private high schools producing musical theatre in Central and Western Oklahoma. To verify if your school is within our region, view our region list. Only shows and roles found on the National High School Musical Theatre Awards qualifying roles list* will be considered. The list can be found on the National Awards website.
There are no fees to participate in the Kelli O'Hara Awards competition. Schools and students wishing to participate need only apply, following the guidelines provided for their respective categories. Applications take approximately 15 minutes to complete, provided you have all your information ready.
All participating schools must complete the online form.
Productions must happen by April 30 of the current school year to be considered. Applications must be received 4 weeks prior to your performance. As part of your online application, you must provide a copy of your license agreement and receipt of royalty payment.
Once your application has been submitted, you will receive an email with instruction to provide the following a cast list which should include student names, phone number, email address and t-shirt size.
If you do not have dates set for your show, please let us know on your application and notify the awards coordinator via email as soon as your dates are finalized at
Students wishing to be considered for the Best Actress or Actor award, must submit their application separately from the school application. Best Actor and Best Actress application.
Participant Requirements:
Best Actor and Best Actress nominees must be currently enrolled in high school grades 9-12, in the Kelli O'Hara Awards region.
Finalists must be available to perform as part of an in-person awards ceremony, generally in late May.
Finalists must be available to attend NHSMTA Week, generally in June.
All students will need to provide the following in their application:
Nominee Release/Waiver form and Parental Release Form
Current color headshot (appropriate selfies are sufficient)
The winners of the Kelli O'Hara Awards for Best Actress and Actor will participate in the National High School Theatre Awards, where they will receive professional training and compete with winners from dozens of other regional programs to a national audience.
Note: The Kelli O'Hara Awards currently does not require COVID-19 vaccinations, however it may become a future requirement for participation.
NEW for 2024-2025 - High school students from participating schools are invited to submit their ideas for this year's Kelli O'Hara Awards t-shirt design. All entries will be vetted by Kelli O'Hara Awards staff, who will select the top 5 designs. These finalists will be posted on OKC Broadway's social media platforms, where the public can vote for their favorite. The winning design will be featured on this year's Kelli O'Hara Awards shirts and the student will be invited to accept the Outstanding Student Design Award at the Kelli O'Hara Awards ceremony.
The Stagecraft Award of Excellence recognizes a student, who, throughout Kelli's week, has worked alongside professionals and 11 other students in the technical field of theatre.
Six students from schools identified as finalists in Outstanding Musical Performance category will be nominated to participate by their teachers. Additionally, students interested in stagecraft but whose school is participating in the Kelli O'Hara Awards competition, but were not identified as finalists, are invited to apply for the remaining six available slots. Technical staff from Civic Center Music Hall and OKC Broadway will review applications and invite the best six candidates to compete alongside nominated students.
During the Kelli's Week, these twelve students will work alongside Civic Center Music Hall technical staff to assist in producing the Kelli O'Hara Awards Ceremony. Students will learn working stage fundamentals, lightning, sound, and carpentry. The winner of this award is one student who staff felt demonstrated excellence in technical skills, creativity, problem-solving, collaboration, and professionalism.
The Kelli O’Hara program has introduced the Student Reporter Award, designed to engage students who are not participating in their school's productions. This initiative seeks to foster connections with local schools’ journalism, film, and related departments. Two nominees selected by the Kelli O’Hara Awards will gain exclusive behind-the-scenes access to document and showcase “The Kellis” during Kelli’s Week on OKC Broadway’s social media channels. These nominees will then progress to the next stage of the Jimmy Awards’ Student Reporter Search, with the potential to cover the 2025 Jimmy Awards in New York City. To learn more information about the the Jimmy Awards Student Reporter Search on their website.
Those seeking to participate in the Kelli O'Hara Awards should mark their calendars for the following dates. Additional dates will be added as more information becomes available.
April 30 - Adjudication Deadline
All performances must be scheduled prior to this date to be considered.
The 2025 Kelli O'Hara Awards are to be announced.
June - Jimmy's Week. Best Actor and Best Actress winners will go on to compete at the National High School Musical Theatre Awards at the end of the week. Must be available June 12th-25th.
Rules, regulations and timelines subject to change at any time. KOHA staff will do their best to notify of any important changes as they occur.